Comprising All Laws of a General and Permanent Nature Under Arrangement of Florida Statutes 1941 With Annotations From State and Federal Courts
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The Attorney General of Florida, pursuant to the legislative mandate expressed in the Act approved May 25, 1939, Laws 1939, c. 19140, has prepared a "revision, compilation and consolidation of all the General Statutes of Florida in force, of a permanent nature" which, by Act approved June 6, 1941, Laws 1941, c. 20719, except as otherwise provided therein, was "adopted and enacted as statute law" under the title of Florida Statutes 1941.
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The Harrison Company and West Publishing Co.
Atlanta and St. Paul, respectively
Virgil Hawkins, Florida A & M University College of Law, abortion, Florida Law and Practice
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Law and Gender | Law and Race | Legal Education | Legal Profession
Recommended Citation
"Florida Statutes Annotated" (1944). Research in Virgil Hawkins' World of Print--Historical Print Research Project No. 1: Abortion. 12.

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