Print Citator for Updating Florida Cases
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As a lawyer or law student, any time you cite a case in support of a legal argument, you must check whether its authority has changed as a result of more recent decisions. Before the advent of the Internet, this process was typically done using a print tool called a citator. The principle citator at the time of the original FAMU law school was Shepard’s Citations, an indexing resource developed by Frank Shepard during the 19th century. Citators allow you to determine if your case is still good law and it acts as a research tool to find other cases and materials that cited your case. The Shepard’s Florida Citations, of the time, is no longer available in the Virgil Hawkins Collection, so this demonstration has used a more current edition as an example.
The basic steps involved in “Shepardizing” a case with a print citator are 1.) obtain the correct citation for your case, 2.) identify the correct Shepard’s set and gather all necessary volumes as identified on the cover of the most current soft bound supplement, 3.) check each volume for reference to your case, 4.) identify and review these cases for negative treatment of your case, 5.) read all cases that indicate negative treatment of your case, 6.) repeat for all applicable Shepard’s volumes.
Volumes Information
Shepard's Florida Citations, Seventh Edition, Volume 2, Case Edition 2003. Note, this is a later edition than would have been used in this research project; the earlier edition is no longer available in the Virgil Hawkins Collection,
Document Type
Shepard's Citations
Colorado Springs
Virgil Hawkins, Florida A & M University College of Law, abortion, Florida Law and Practice
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Law and Gender | Law and Race | Legal Education | Legal Profession
Recommended Citation
"Shepard's Florida Citations" (2003). Research in Virgil Hawkins' World of Print--Historical Print Research Project No. 1: Abortion. 18.

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