Case Law
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To ensure the student was relying on good case law, they would use Shepard’s Florida Citations to determine whether Eggart v. State had received any negative treatment by subsequent courts. For example, the case would be reviewed to determine if it had been overruled, superseded, deemed unconstitutional or received any other treatment that would negate or lessen its precedential value. According to the Shepard’s entry, at the time, the case was discussed and followed several times and remained good law.
You can see a scan of the Shepard’s entry for Eggart v. State below. The citation for the Shepard’s volume used is: Lexis Nexis, Shepard’s Florida Citations, Vol. 2, at 222 (Case ed. 2003). [Note: the earlier edition of Shepard’s is no longer available in the Virgil Hawkins Collection.)
Volumes Information
Note: the 1960's edition of Shepard’s is no longer available in the Virgil Hawkins Collection. The Shepard’s volume used for this demonstration is: Lexis Nexis, Shepard’s Florida Citations, Vol. 2, at 222 (Case ed. 2003).
Document Type
Shepard's Citations
Colorado Springs
Virgil Hawkins, Florida A & M University College of Law, abortion, Florida Law and Practice
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Law and Gender | Law and Race | Legal Education | Legal Profession
Recommended Citation
"Updating Resources" (2003). Research in Virgil Hawkins' World of Print--Historical Print Research Project No. 1: Abortion. 19.

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