The first step is secondary sources
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The first step in most legal research is to start with secondary sources to gain an overview of a legal issue and to find cases and statutes that discuss the topic. Secondary sources are statements or texts written about the law. A source that was available in the FAMU law library and could have been used to find information about the state of the law in Florida on the topic of abortion was Florida Law and Practice. To find information in Florida Law and Practice, the student would have used the title’s index and looked up the search term ‘abortion’ to see if there was information available.
The edition of the Florida Law and Practice used for this demonstration was Harrison Company, Florida Law and Practice (1955).
Volumes Information
Florida Law and Practice, Volume One: Abandonment to Arrest
Document Type
The Harrison Company
Virgil Hawkins, Florida A & M University College of Law, abortion, Florida Law and Practice
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Law and Gender | Law and Race | Legal Education | Legal Profession
Recommended Citation
"Secondary Sources--Step One in the Research Process" (1955). Research in Virgil Hawkins' World of Print--Historical Print Research Project No. 1: Abortion. 9.

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