Climate Change and Global Food Security
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The Third Annual Environmental Law and Justice Symposium, co-sponsored by Florida A&M University's Environment, Development & Justice Program in the Center for International Law and Justice at the College of Law, and the Center for Environmental Equity and Justice at the School of the Environment, will engage the general public, college faculty and students, environmental policy and decision makers, and community food stakeholders in dialogue, activities, and publication of lectures and scholarship addressing the impact of climate change on the global, regional, and local food supply.
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Agricultural Economics | Agricultural Education | Agriculture | Agriculture Law | Biosecurity | Environmental Law | Food and Drug Law | Food Science | Health Law and Policy | Human Rights Law | Law
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Abate, Co-Chair, Randall S.; Gragg, III, Ph.D., Co-Chair, Richard D. Schulterbrandt; Nuri, Keynote Speaker, Rashid; and Lutzky, Keynote Speaker, Claudio, "Climate Change and Global Food Security" (2012). Lectures and Presentations. 1.