Submissions from 2013
Perspectives: From the Chair of the ABA Law Practice Management Section, March/April 2013, Joan R. Bullock
Next Phase Pedagogy Reform for the Twenty-First Century Legal Education: Delivering Competent Lawyers for a Consumer-Driven Market, Ann Marie Cavazos
Cronyism, Corruption, and Political Intrigue: A New Approach for Old Problems in Public Sector Employment Law, Jonathan Fineman
The Vulnerable Subject at Work: A New Perspective on the Employment at-Will Debate, Jonathan Fineman
When Making Money and Making a Sustainable and Societal Difference Collide: Will Benefit Corporations Succeed or Fail?, Joseph Karl Grant
News in Cyberspace: The Creation of the New Ignorance, Ronald Charles Griffin
Libraries Can Help: Institutional Repositories, Yolanda P. Jones
Recognizing the Derivative Works Right as a Moral Right: A Case Comparison and Proposal, Deidre Keller
Pornography and the Connection to Commerical Sexual Exploitation, Cheryl Page
Parallel Investigations Between Administrative and Law Enforcement Agencies: A Question of Civil Liberties, Shiv Narayan Persaud
Five Answers and Three Questions after United States v. Jones (2012), the Fourth Amendment GPS Case, Benjamin Priester
A Latina Law Professor's Personal Perspective after the Zimmerman Trial Verdict, Maritza I. Reyes
Moncrieffe: Lessons in Crimmigration Law, Maritza I. Reyes
Submissions from 2012
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)--Assigning Responsibility for Pollutants That Reach the Nation's Waters, Robert Abrams
Legal Convergence of East and West in Contemporary American Water Law, Robert Haskell Abrams
HeLa Cells and Unjust Enrichment in the Human Body, Deleso A. Alford
No Laughing Matter: The Intersection of Legal Malpractice and Professionalism, Nicola A. Boothe-Perry
Standard Lawyer Behavior? Professionalism as an Essential Standard for ABA Accreditation, Nicola A. Boothe-Perry
Following a Sigmoid Progression: Some Jurisprudential and Pragmatic Considerations Regarding Territorial Acquisition Among Nation-States, John C. Duncan, Jr.
Cybercrime, Ronald C. Griffin
How the Internet is Used to Facilitate the Trafficking of Humans as Sex Slaves, Cheryl Page
Jailing the Johns: The Issue of Demand in Sex Trafficking, Cheryl Page
The Strong Arm of the Law is Weak: How the TVPA Fails to Effectively Assist Victims of the Sex Trade, Cheryl Page
Is Color Blind Justice Also Culturally Blind? The Cultural Blindness in Justice, Shiv Narayan Persaud
Constitutionalizing Immigration Law: The Vital Role of Judicial Discretion in the Removal of Lawful Permanent Residents, Maritza I. Reyes
China's Internet Policies within the Global Community, Omar Saleem
Electronic Discovery and the Constitution: Inaccessible Justice, Jennifer M. Smith
Submissions from 2011
Enforcement of Law Schools' Non-Academic Honor Codes: A Necessary Step Towards Professionalism?, Nicola A. Boothe-Perry
First, Do No Harm: Response to “If You Prick Me”, Patricia A. Broussard
Reaction to: Wealth, Poverty, and the Equal Protection Clause, Patricia A. Broussard
Repair Versus Rejuvenation: The Condition of Vaginas as a Proxy for the Societal Status of Women, Patricia A. Broussard
Benevolent Assistance or Bureaucratic Burden?: Promoting Effective Haitian Reconstruction, Self-Governance, and Human Rights Under the Right to Development, Jeffery M. Brown
Beware of Wooden Nickels: The Paradox of Florida's Legislative Overreaction in the Wake of Kelo, Ann Marie Cavazos
Demands of the Marketplace Require Practical Skills: A Necessity for Emerging Practicioners, and Its Clinical Impact on Society--A Paradigm for Change, Ann Marie Cavazos
A Hypothetical Postulate for the Polemic of Extraordinary Rendition Vis-a-Vis the Paradigm of Asymmetric Warfare, John C. Duncan, Jr.
A Conversation with President Obama: A Dialogue about Poverty, Race, and Class in Black America, Joseph Karl Grant
The Advance Directive Registry or Lockbox: A Model Proposal and Call to Legislative Action, Joseph Karl Grant
What Can We Learn from the 2010 BP Oil Spill?: Five Important Corporate Law and Life Lessons, Joseph Karl Grant
The Coal Miners Have Taken Care of Us: Let's Now Take Care of the Coal Miners, Priscilla Norwood Harris
What's Wrong with U.S.?: Why the United States Should Have a Public Performance Right for Sound Recordings, William Henslee
You Don't Own Me: Why Work for Hire Should Not Be Applied to Sound Recordings, William Henslee and Elizabeth Henslee
The Fifth Freedom: The Constitutional Duty to Provide Public Education, Areto A. Imoukuede
Apprendi Land Becomes Bizarro World: Policy Nullification and Other Surreal Doctrines in the New Constitutional Law of Sentencing, Benjamin Priester
Mortgage Foreclosures, Mortgage Morality, and Main Street: What’s Really Happening?, Jennifer M. Smith
Examining the "Stick" of Accreditation for Medical Schools through Reproductive Justice Lens: A Transformative Remedy for Teaching the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Deleso Alford Washington
Submissions from 2010
Public Nuisance Suits for the Climate Justice Movement: The Right Thing and the Right Time, Randall S. Abate
REDD, White, and Blue: Is Proposed U.S. Climate Legislation Adequate To Promote a Global Carbon Credits System for Avoided Deforestation in a Post-Kyoto Regime?, Randall S. Abate
NEPA, National Security, and Ocean Noise: The Past, Present, and Future of Regulating the Impact of Navy Sonar on Marine Mammals, Randall S. Abate
A Green Solution to Climate Change: The Hybrid Approach to Crediting Reductions in Tropical Deforestation, Randall S. Abate and Todd A. Wright
Correcting Mismatched Authorities: Erecting a New "Water Federalism", Robert Abrams
Correcting Mismatched Authorities: Erecting a New "Water Federalism", Robert H. "Bo" Abrams
Framing Water Policy in a Carbon Affected and Carbon Constrained Environment, Robert H. Abrams and Noah D. Hall
The Importation of Female Genital Mutilation to the West: The Cruelest Cut of All, Patricia A. Broussard
A Critical Consideration of Executive Orders: Glimmerings of Autopoiesis in the Executive Role, John C. Duncan Jr
Obama Effect: A Pipeline Issue, A Felicia Epps
The Meeting: A Transformational Train Ride Through Race in America and Apartheid in South Africa, Joseph Karl Grant
What the Financial Services Industry Puts Together Let No Person Put Asunder: How the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Contributed to the 2008 - 2009 American Capital Markets Crisis, Joseph Karl Grant
Ghana Journey: Private Investment, Public Funding, and Domestic Reform, Ronald C. Griffin
Domesticating International Law Through Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: The Case of the Liberian TRC, Jeremy I. Levitt
UN Peacekeeping: A Sheep in Wolves Clothing? Review of UN Peacekeeping in Lebanon, Somalia and Kosovo: Operational and Legal Issues in Practice, Jeremy I. Levitt
The Pedagogy of "Yes We Can": Teaching Reformative Legal Justice in the Age of Obama, LeRoy Pernell
Screen, Stabilize, and Ship: EMTALA, U.S. Hospitals, and Undocumented Immigrants (International Patient Dumping), Jennifer M. Smith
Submissions from 2009
What Evidence Will Justify an Allocation of Liability Among Responsible Parties Under Superfund?, Robert H. Abrams
Water Federalism and the Army Corps of Engineers' Role in Eastern States Water Allocation, Robert Haskell Abrams
Professionalism’s Triple E Query: Is Legal Academia Enhancing, Eluding, or Evading Professionalism?, Nicola A. Boothe-Perry
Now You See it Now You Don't: Addressing the Issue of Websites which are "Lost in Space", Patricia A. Broussard
The Graying of the American Manufacturing Economy: Gray Markets, Parallel Importation, and a Tort Law Approach, Joseph Karl Grant
Undoing the Damage of the Dew, Priscilla Norwood Harris
Money for Nothing and Music for Free? Why the RIAA Should Continue to Sue Illegal File-Sharers, William Henslee
Why Can't We Be Friends? It's WAR!, William Henslee
You Can't Always Get What You Want, But If You Try Sometimes You Can Steal It and Call It Fair Use: A Proposal to Abolish the Fair Use Defense for Music, William Henslee
Sophistry, Situational Ethics, and the Taxation of the Carried Interest, Darryll K. Jones
Conceptualizations of Legalese in the Course of Due Process, from Arrest to Plea Bargain: The Perspectives of Disadvantaged Offenders, Shiv Narayan Persaud
Deconstructing the Bill of Rights in Administrative Adjudication--Enfranchising Constitutional Principles in the Process, Shiv Narayan Persaud
Eternal Law: The Underpinnings of Dharma and Karma in the Justice System, Shiv Narayan Persaud
Terrorist Detention: Directions for Reform, Benjamin Priester
Credit Cards, Attorney's Fees, and the Putative Debtor: A Pyrrhic Victory? Putative Debtors May Win the Battle But Nevertheless Lose the War, Jennifer M. Smith
Kidney Transplantation: Only for the Well-to-Do?, Jennifer M. Smith
Critical Race Feminist Bioethics: Telling Stories in Law School and Medical School in Pursuit of "Cultural Competency", Deleso Alford Washington
The Anatomy of a "Pantsuit": Performance, Proxy and Presence for Women of Color in Legal Education, Deleso Alford Washington
Submissions from 2008
Automobile Emissions and Climate Change Impacts: Employing Public Nuisance Doctrine as Part of a "Global Warming Solution" in California, Randall S. Abate
Massachusetts v. EPA and the Future of Environmental Standing in Climate Change Litigation and Beyond, Randall S. Abate
Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 as a Model for Interjurisdictional Water Governance, Robert H. Abrams
How Much Can Be Charged for Expert-Witness Appearance Fees in Interstate Water Litigation?, Robert H. Abrams
Settlement of the ACF Controversy: Sisyphus at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Robert H. Abrams
Climate Change and Freshwater Resources, Robert H. Abrams, Noah D. Hall, and Bret B. Stuntz
Female Genital Mutilation: Exploring Strategies for Ending Ritualized Torture; Shaming, Blaming, and Utilizing the Convention against Torture, Patricia A. Broussard
Diversity Matters: ABA LPM Section Addresses Firm Management's Role, Joan R. M. Bullock
Right Responsibility: Does the Right to Procreate Include the Responsibility to Parent?, A Felicia Epps
The Inevitable Demise of the Implied Employment Contract, Jonathan Fineman
Shattering and Moving Beyond the Gutenberg Paradigm: The Dawn of the Electronic Will, Joseph Karl Grant
A Prairie Perspective on Global Warming and Climate Change: The Use of Law, Technology, and Economics to Establish Private Sector Markets to Compliment Kyoto, Ronald C. Griffin
Money, Fear and Prejudice: Why the Courts Killed Terri Schiavo, Priscilla Norwood Harris
Marybeth Peters Is Almost Right: An Alternative to Her Proposals to Reform the Compulsory License Scheme for Music, William Henslee
Third-Party Profit-Taking in Tax Exemption Jurisprudence, Darryll K. Jones
Non-Education in America: Gateway to Subsistence Living, Cheryl Page