In this article, I will first look at how various state Access to Justice Commissions in the United States are addressing self-represented litigants' ability to access and navigate the civil court system. I review various projects that attempt to make legal forms and processes more understandable to the public. I also discuss the role of law librarians, and how they bring a working understanding of the problems and missteps that self-represented litigants face first-hand. I argue for better inclusion of these information professionals in state commissions and in various outreach programs to improve the quality of the legal information provided to the public for better outcomes both in and outside of a courtroom.
Next, I will review some innovative models of providing access to justice in different jurisdictions that may meet one or more of the needs found in under-served populations. I will also discuss how a radical collaboration of diverse professionals can ride circuit to provide both preventive and just in time legal and social services to people in need.
Recommended Citation
Susan D. Zago,
Riding Circuit: Bringing the Law to Those Who Need It,
Fla. A&M U. L. Rev.
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