Amid the global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, a mayo clinic in Jacksonville, Florida delegated four autonomous, self-driving vehicles to aid in keeping its drivers and patients safe. The self-driving vehicles are not driven conventionally by human workers and the work designated consists of delivering COVID-19 testing kits from the testing facility to the work lab. In addition, these vehicles are able to replace repetitive work functions while allowing workers more time to focus on other important tasks, like helping to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The autonomous vehicles are visible in the Jacksonville community and are programmed to avoid busy streets where pedestrians regularly walk. The Jacksonville mayo clinic is one of many businesses worldwide investing in automation to carry out basic work functions that were once completed by human tax-paying workers. Automation has many increasing benefits to various types of businesses, but at a cost to human workers and the tax economy, in which they are paying into. The future of automation is evolving and expanding throughout the world. The robots are indeed coming, but will Americans be ready?
Recommended Citation
The Robots are Coming: Targets of Automation and its Effect on the Tax Economy,
Fla. A&M U. L. Rev.
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