Due to statutes, bans, and the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, states do not have to recognize legal same-sex marriages from sister states that recognize same-sex marriage. This paper examines the denial of the fundamental right to marriage for same-sex couples, the violation of the Full Faith and Credit Clause of Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution and Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution by not recognizing same-sex marriages legally performed in other states. It starts by looking at the impact these practices have on same-sex couples and the toll it will continue to take on society if not corrected.
Recommended Citation
Rebecca Hameroff,
I Do. Is That Okay with You?: A Look at How Most States Are Circumventing the Full Faith and Credit Clause and Equal Protection Clause to Not Recognize Legal Same-Sex Marriages from Other States and Its Effect on Society,
Fla. A&M U. L. Rev.
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