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As part of the fifth annual Law Day event, a three judge panel from the Florida Fifth District Court of Appeal is hearing appellate oral arguments in the FAMU College of Law Ceremonial Moot Courtroom. The first arguments are regarding evidence and jury instruction issues; the second case involves real property, mortgages and liens, as well as jurisdiction issues; the final arguments are regarding juror non-disclosure. A question-and-answer session follows each set of arguments during which the justices and attorneys entertain questions about the appellate process and organization of the court.
Publication Date
Civil Procedure | Evidence | Jurisdiction | Property Law and Real Estate
Recommended Citation
Evander, Presiding Judge, Honorable Kerry I.; Cohen, Honorable Jay P.; and Jacobus, Honorable Bruce W., "Law Day Oral Argument Session 5th District Court of Appeal, 2011" (2011). Law Day Presentations. 5.
![Law Day Oral Argument Session 5th District Court of Appeal, 2011](
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Civil Procedure Commons, Evidence Commons, Jurisdiction Commons, Property Law and Real Estate Commons